You want a custom airplane,

but don’t think you can afford one?

With today’s technology, what used to take 10 years, can now be done in one year and Affordably. For the same investment as a cirrus airplane (more cirrus’s sold than any other plane) you can have a custom airplane built in about a year.

What will you get

Technology along with smart engineering

Technology along with smart engineering allows us to build you a custom plane in about a year for the same price as a cirrus.

3D Carbon/Metal Printing – 3D printing technology is moving in huge leaps and bounds. Many parts can now easily be 3D printed – saving time, money and man hours.

CNC machining – what used to take years molding all the molds by hand, can now be done in hours by CNC machines.Going directly from Computer to mold for making the parts needed And other technological advances in the manufacturing of the parts itself – allow for much quicker
design to flying production times than ever before.

Call for book an order:
Along with smart engineering


Many planes are designed primarily from an aesthetics standpoint or they are designed from an engineering or aeronautical stand point. Almost no planes are designed from a manufacturing standpoint. When you make a plan considering all 3 standpoints, you get a beautiful plane that flies fast with low fuel consumption, and can be made in about a year. We have done 3 custom built planes in the last few years, all within the targets for about a year and around the price of a cirrus airplane.

Call Jamie at


So - why not stop waiting, and order your custom built plane today.

Call Jamie with questions or to get your plane into production today.

Our Custom Build Plane

Browse Our Custom Plane

Ut non augue egestas, commodo velit eget, vestibulum tellus. Curabitur vulputate justo elit, at elementum orci pulvinar vel. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique.

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Pressurized twin pusher with Gas engines

Volato 400

Volato 200

How it works

  • $40,000

    $40,000 Down

    And we will design and spec your plane for not only looks and flying capability – but manufacturing as well.

  • $100,000

    Begins Manufacturing Process

    $100,000 when the plane and specs are to your satisfaction – this begins the manufacturing process

  • $100,000


    $100,000 for each milestone we complete – usually ever month or two a milestone is completed depending on the milestones.

  • Complete

    Plane Ready

    You get your plane in about a year.

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